Hold Your Heart: Inner Child Healing Writers’ Process Group Starting March 13th

I’m excited to announce that I will be offering a six week writers’ virtual process group for inner child healing, starting March 13th on Wednesdays, from 5:30-7 pm. This experiential and mindfulness based writing group will explore themes for healing the inner child, building stronger boundaries, and writing in a small community for collective processing.  

This group is meant for both people just starting or exploring poetry writing or inner child healing, as well as for those looking to deepen and create consistent space and practices for healing the inner child through writing. Inner child healing work and processing can lead to honoring your boundaries more often, listening to your personal needs, learning to hold awareness for your nervous systems’ needs and reframing core beliefs that may feel stuck. Poetry can be such a powerful medium for exploring this space and this group will allow for working with or discovering your poetic voice, using mindfulness practices, sharing in community, as well as working with inner child themes to find and/or deepen your everyday awareness with these parts of self. 


More details are available on the attached flyer, including themes explored, objectives, benefits and investment required. To register, or for more information, please email me at delia@lookingforwardcounseling.com. Thank you! 

Feel free to share the attached information flyer with friends—this group is open to the community. 

Click on this link for more all the details: Writers Series-Inner Child Healing ’24