Here are a couple of simple but intentional questions and practices to inspire personal reflection, gratitude practices and envisioning the change you seek. Add and adjust these, but make the time. Think of it as a personal investment to your happiness and well-being:
- What’s working? What’s not?
- Visual and map out your schedule—where do you have room for self care? Two minutes or two hours—make it a personal investment to make time for this every day, in some way
- What errands/tasks have you been putting off? What can you address now and what is better saved for another time? (Pencil that in too)
- How can you practice gratitude this week–in meditation, conversations with loved ones, or personal reflection—or all three?
- What do you seek more of, or need to make time for? Make a vision board—concrete or mentally and choose a theme to focus your intention on this month