These are times for us to connect in the ways that we can, with our loved ones, our communities and globally—in support and solidarity with the human family. From the first responders who continue to remain on the front lines, to all the people around the world who did what is less convenient for the greater good, whether that meant social distancing, or showing up at work to provide essential services to others in the community. In times such as these that test us, the best of our humanity can shine through.

Holocaust survivor and PTSD therapist Dr. Edith Eger says,

In those moments, where we don’t know WHY what is happening, is happening…try and find the lesson. Seeing the pain is simple, but searching for the message – is where the growth lives.”

Right now, while we may never have a clear reason why COVID-19 became a global issue, if we focus on what we can do NOW, how we can support each other on an individual level, in our communities and globally, we can use this moment to slow down, practice compassion and community-mindedness in ways that help us grow and, in the meantime, allows us to make the best of us this moment we are facing together.

Here are some simple practices to put into your daily routine to promote wellness:


  1. Meditate –whether using the calm app, finding a youtube channel that resonates with you, or creating your own mantra and meditative practice, give your mind daily space to practice mindfulness. It can help alleviate stress, create a sense of centeredness and promote mental clarity.


  1. Create- use this time to get in touch or get reacquainted with your creative side. Paint, photograph, write, make a craft, build something inside, reorganize, etc, etc.


  1. Reach out in new ways- This can be a great time to Facetime with loved ones, write letters and find ways to support your loved ones and those in your community. Finding projects and ways to support local community causes during difficult times can give us direction with ways we can support wellness for others.


  1. At-home relief-Essential oils, bubble baths, meditative music, watching inspirational Ted Talks or listening to music that helps you tune in—there are hundreds of thousands of ways that we can practice self care and doing so, can be especially difficult during these times. In turn, these practices can be helpful to find presence and cultivate mindfulness.


  1. Tune In & Tune Out- Find the balance. Stay tuned in to news important to your community, important globally, as well as medical updates for solutions. Just as importantly, make time for tuning things out. Carve out at least a couple hours a day to find restorative space.


I’m wishing you and your loved ones health, safety, strength, grounding and clarity during these difficult times.

Stay healthy, well and connected to your community.