With the beginning of fall here, it can be a great time to tune into restoration, renewal and change. Self care requires that we are mindful of all these of these aspects of our lives. Though restorative or renewal can seem elusive at times, a deep commitment to the following five practices can help us keep intention and welcome the change we really seek this fall.


  1. Know Your Priorities for Self Care & Honor Your Limitations


Self care requires us to know our personal priorities and our limitations as well. Life can often necessitate that we create boundaries to ensure we have the space for all aspects of our life in balance. Whether you’re feeling worn down at work or socially depleted, take note: these deeper patterns of feelings can help us tune into our intrinsic needs.



  1. Get Back to Basics: Sleep, Nutrition & Fitness


Taking care of our sleep hygiene, making sure we have our nutritional needs met, getting daily exercise and time engaging with the world creatively and playfully—these are aspects of life we all know are important and can also get put aside when we feel too busy. Make sure to readjust and fine-tune this fall for what you need for your physical, emotional and psychological health – and remember how getting back to basic with sleep, nutrition and fitness is a core part of the process.


  1. Stay Present: Practice Mindfulness With What Works for You In Mind


Practicing mindfulness can help us cultivate deeper presence and stay committed to our intentions. Meditation, yoga and breathing exercises can all be part of this process.


  1. Ask Yourself What Committing to Happiness Looks Like


When we commit to our own happiness, how we show up in the world and navigate our choices can change. Boundaries, personal needs, communication—all can shift as we honor what works best. Think about what makes you happiness and make more time for these people, activities and pursuits. You won’t regret it.


  1. Welcome Change: Clear House with Intention


Welcome the change you need to really commit to the self care you’re seeking this fall. Clear house with intention of what’s not serving you, or what needs to shift. Remember you deserve to make the personal changes, shifts to habits and perspectives that help you clear way of personal, professional or soulful roadblocks. This process is challenging and seeking professional hep can be a great way to honor this journey and give yourself the visibility and space for committing to these practices that you deserve.


Stay well, wonderful and weird!

