The past few weeks have allowed us all to usher in a new year, while also considering how to set a good tone for 2021. The beginning of this year has also brought psychological stress through the political climate and tuning inward right now can be an important way to find balance, calm and welcome in personal stability.


According to the American Psychological Association, since the pandemic, nearly 8 in 10 adults have reported feeling significant stress. While there are certainly many aspects of the current circumstances that are outside of our control, doing what we can to address, manage and cope with our psychological stress is a key part of feeling resiliency, maintaining a positive morale and staying connected.

  1. Reflect on your stress and address its sources


While some stressors are out of our control, such as the pandemic, there are other stressors that we can reflect on to help manage our symptoms. If you find yourself tuned into the news cycle despite the negative impacts it has on your mental health, give yourself permission to set aside technology free times. Whether its when having dinner with your kids or when a couple of hours before bed, commit to this practice for a week to see if it helps address sources of stress. It can be difficult for us to see the sources of stress sometimes and if this is the case, seeking therapy or guidance can prove an invaluable resource in providing foundational space for inner reflection and intention-setting.


  1. Create a Routine that Makes Self-Care a Daily Priority


Balance can be easy to talk about and hard to keep in practice. Remember to acknowledge the innate messiness of keeping a balanced routine and the need to be adaptable in order to keep this a commitment. Find the pockets of time in your day where you can get creative about incorporating self care. For instance, if you have an hour long lunch, try listening to a podcast while having lunch or giving yourself a chance to watch the stand up you’ve been meaning to. Whatever self care looks like to you daily, give yourself permission to stay curious. Even small adjustments to our routines can have profound impacts on our overall sense of balance and well-being.


  1. Hold Space for Recognizing and Supporting your Stress Triggers 


Recognizing the signs of stress and the triggers behind them can be incredibly insightful to our well-being. If speaking to a certain family member is triggering, for instance, give yourself the valid space you may need to have better interactions. Identifying and setting boundaries for yourself and others can be another key part of honoring yourself, identifying your triggers and ultimately helping yourself feel supported and safe enough to fully tackle the challenges at hand.

  1. Give Yourself Permission to Ask for Support


Oftentimes the inner critic can take over when psychological stress feels overwhelming. Take the time to call a friend or tell your partner or family what you might need in order to get through the toughest times. These moments of tender vulnerability—where we allow ourselves to truly be seen—can offer us a chance to deepen our sense of trust and community within our inner circles. Professional guidance can also be a key part of moving through difficult psychological stressors with a sense of safety, support and grounding. Though it can be naturally scary, give yourself the chance to get the support you deserve when you need it most.


  1. Stay Intentional about Nutrition, Exercise & Sleep


Get back to basics of physical self care in order to ensure you are giving your mind and body the tools it needs to best support you when moving through psychological stressors.  Making an intention every day to eat well, get at least thirty minutes of cardio exercise and setting a consistent sleep routine are all foundational aspects of our overall well-being. These areas can be tough to manage and asking for support—from family, friends and professionals, can give you the community you need to stay consistent and ultimately handle whatever life throws your way to the best of your ability.

Stay well and have a healthy start to 2021!
